HOW do you find TREASURE in God’s Word?
When we read God’s Word, we should come expecting to hear the living God speak to us! When we read anything in God’s Word, we are DISCOVERING what part of the Word He wants to use to teach us something. When He reveals WISDOM, TRUTH, a PROMISE or something about HIS CHARACTER He is helping us to IDENTIFY what the treasure is that we discovered. What we do with the treasure once we’ve identified it is entirely up to us! We GROW when we decide to apply what we learned to our HEART or to our LIFE!
D. I. G. - Discover | Identify | Grow
What is the Bible saying or what is the story about? (Ages 4 and up)
CONTEXT, CONTEXT, CONTEXT. Who, what, where, why was the scripture written and what TRUTH is the Holy Spirit revealing to you about God’s character, His commands, His heart or His Son and His story of redemption? (Ages 6 and up)
What are you going to do to apply the TRUTH that you learned to your heart or life? (Ages 10 and up)
WHY D.I.G. is so effective?
DIG is designed for you to read the Bible together as a Family. Here’s how we break it down, using the story of David and Goliath (1 Samuel 17) as an example…
For your youngest children or first time readers, this will be their first time hearing the story of the shepherd boy, David, facing and killing the giant, Goliath, for mocking God’s people.
God’s Word is alive (Hebrews 4:12) which means that God can show you something new every time you read this story to apply it to your life. What is the Holy Spirit pointing out? It could be that God allowed a boy to fight a giant to show How mighty He is or how powerful strong faith is. It could be that David knew that God could save him from bears and lions, He would have no problem saving him from the Philistine giant! What is it that God is pointing out to you in His Word today!? My favorite is when He blows my mind by helping me to find something new in a story I’ve read a bunch of times! - We train you how to find the CONTEXT to His Word so you can identify the TRUTH that He wants to show YOU.
If God was faithful to David, because He is faithful… and God doesn’t change… Then He’ll be faithful to His promises to me too. How I choose to live differently because of that truth is what will stretch me to grow more into the likeness of His Son Jesus.
The best part about D.I.G. is that it’s intended to train you how to train others. Everybody (not just your children) needs to know that they can read the Bible in a way that will transform their life at the pace that the Holy Spirit draws them to Himself! It enables the individual to rely on God’s Word and not a reading program, curriculum or study, to grow in their relationship with the Lord. God’s intention has always been to abide with us! He wants to be the one to write His Words on our hearts. Christ died on the cross to remove the sin that separated us from God, so now, if we believe Jesus is who He said He is and did what He said He was going to do, then we no longer have anything that would hold us back from growing closer to Him! - (Jer. 31:31, Luke 22:20, 1 John 2:27) - You can learn more about this in our Made New Series on Famplify.com
"And he said to them, 'Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.'" - Matthew 4:19